Friday, January 4, 2008

Flat Tire

Full of confidence in the company of buses, trucks, and zipping along at 30km per hour we hit a pothole and got our first flat tire. As wise travelers we had a spare, (which came with our rickshaw) but no jack. What to do? Within a minute, a jeep full of passengers pulled over to offer assistance. Mr. Ellangakoon stepped forward and said “You don’t need a jack as everywhere in India people will help you along the way.”

What we thought was going to be a major time consuming hiccup turned into a Formula One affair. We were on the road again in minutes. A bit shaken, we headed into traffic packed Dharmpuri in search of a spare. Our fellow rickshaw drivers are always curious about our travels, Bajaj model, engine size, features, questionable driving skills, and always offer a helping hand. We were taken to tire dealership and got a brand new Mirestone Tire for $13. After two more stops for a variety of installation maneuvers and a cold Coke, we were on our way again.

We are constantly being hailed at by potential fare-holding passengers for a ride. We are real.


Terry said...

This is SO cool!

gill said...

Well done, keep i9t up - I will watch your progress
Your very distant cousin in England