Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Right Ratio

Thirty milliliters of oil to one liter of petrol. We take care to get the ratio just right, even when it requires doing some math. Care pays off-- we have had no engine problems (I hope you are all knocking wood right this second.) We are well beyond the required 1000 km engine break-in period so now 60 KmPH is the norm on smooth stretches of road. The speed is welcome, but yesterday it was hard to speed right by Bhubaneswar, knowing that there are over 500 4th Century BC temples scattered through the suburbs.

I'll be back, though. This place is too rich, huge, amazing to only visit once. And next time, no days of acclimatization will be needed. We can just jump in the nearest rickshaw and give the driver a break--I'll drive us to the temples.


Sanjay Gurung said...

as Rajah rightly said the the coalescence of the two essences oil and petrol and the outcome is the love rickshaw hey big man plz refrain from hugging on the road......cheers to Rajah the Lord of Darjeeling and to you guys the kings of the road

Lisa said...

Well gents, I for one wouldn't begrudge either of you any side trips to see 2,400+ year old temples - as long as you take and post fabu photos of them!