Wednesday, January 9, 2008

You Got to Have Faith

A puja was performed this morning for our Rickshaw as we set off for Calcutta. Steering wheel, hood, bumper, were all blessed by a Hindu priest, with special attention paid to the tires. Incense and flowers came with us on the road. Rickshaw eating potholes, highway diversions, traffic from all angles and a muffler repair complicated our day. We (Rickshaw, David, and Strick) survived and found a brilliant hotel (with more staff than patrons) next a toll booth on the outskirts of Calcutta at dusk.

A roadside hotel calmed the day’s biggest worry--motoring into the heart of Calcutta in darkness. Results are the bottom line.  The puja was a big part of our day.


Unknown said...

Reading this makes my day. I think I would be a hopeless racer though - there is no way I would have been able to resist stopping off at the temples!
Hope the puja worked it's magic
Hugs to you both

Lisa said...

I bet the puja did work. Otherwise, you guys would indeed have found yourselves motoring into Calcutta, tired and hungry, in the pitch dark - what fun that would have been.

I can't wait to see the next group of shots. This armchair traveler is eternally grateful for this blog ;-).